high-powered - definitie. Wat is high-powered
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Wat (wie) is high-powered - definitie

High power rocket; High Powered Rocketry; High powered rocket; High-powered rocket; High Power Rocketry; High power rockets; High-power rocket; High-power rockets; High power rocketry
  • A high-powered rocket launch in the [[Black Rock Desert]]
  • Two high-power rockets lift off at the [[Black Rock Desert]] in Nevada
  • Samantha Ridgway, first TRA L3 in Australia.
  • A high-power rocket being set up before flight

A high-powered machine or piece of equipment is very powerful and efficient.
...high powered lasers.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Someone who is high-powered or has a high-powered job has a very important and responsible job which requires a lot of ability.
I had a very high-powered senior job in publishing.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
¦ adjective (of a person) dynamic and forceful.
High-power rocketry         
High-power rocketry is a hobby similar to model rocketry. The major difference is that higher impulse range motors are used.


High-power rocketry

High-power rocketry is a hobby similar to model rocketry. The major difference is that higher impulse range motors are used. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) definition of a high-power rocket is one that has a total weight of more than 1,500 grams (3.3 lb) and contains a motor or motors containing more than 125 grams (4.4 oz) of propellant and/or rated at more than 160 Newton-seconds (40.47 lbf·s) of total impulse, or that uses a motor with an average thrust of 80 newtons (18 lbf) or more.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor high-powered
1. these high-powered tools --
2. very high-powered lasers,
3. high-powered, theoretical ideas,
4. into super high powered medical.
New Slow City _ William Powers _ Talks at Google
5. Indeed, the high-powered person's
The Power Paradox - The Promise and Peril of 21st Century Power _ Dacher Keltner _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor high-powered
1. Anna Wintour High–powered editor of US Vogue since 1'88.
2. They were probably running complex and high–powered businesses.
3. "Previously we did not have such a high–powered mediator.
4. The powdered meal was "a high–powered food full of nutrients", she said.
5. "A small plane or a high powered weapon would bypass any gate or fence."